Quotes from the Memoir

You won't likely find these outside of The Wicked Wine of Democracy.


Sen. Warren G. Magnuson after being accused of liking Cadillacs, high-ball glasses and the rustle of lovely ladies by the opposition:
Hell, who doesn't like these things? We're going to use this ourselves. Let's pass them out at our meetings. I'll say, 'Those of you who don't approve can leave, and I'll talk to the rest of you.' -pg. 42


Sen. John F. Kennedy to Byron White after attending the Colorado Democratic Convention in Durango:
Byron, if I get one-half delegate out of this, I'll kiss your ass in the lobby of the Brown Palace Hotel at high noon. -pg. 139


Victor A. Johnston, Chief of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, speaking to his Democratic counterpart, Joseph S. Miller:
I never use hearsay or innuendo. If it's not on the record, I won't touch it. And I won't use anything personal. What they drink and who they screw is their business. -pg. 113


Bobby Kennedy, Campaign Manager to Presidential Candidate John F. Kennedy, on Joseph S. Miller:
That son-of-a-bitch called me a horse's ass. Nobody does that to me and gets away with it. -pg. 134


Gov. Gaylord Nelson to Joseph S. Miller on 1960 DNC keynote speaker Sen. Frank Church's performance:
So that's your great orator out of the West? Hell, I've made better speeches in Wisconsin barrooms when I can barely stand up. -pg. 145


Joseph S. Miller on money in politics today:
Forgive me, as a disenchanted lobbyist, for dwelling long on money's role as I have seen it. It is the paramount problem in government today, costing the nation the services of many outstanding people who refuse to submit to the cynical cheapness of fundraising. -pg. 248
